Re: Recommended previous post from Shellycat on detox bath:
Castor oil packs are a wonderful way to increase circulation to a specific area. Basically, you take some clean cloth and soak it in hot castor oil, wrap in plastic, and apply. Better instructions are available here on CureZone. :)
The detox bath recipe is this:
Take 40-100 mg of Niacin. Make sure it's the regular kind and not the non-flush kind, as you want to flush your skin and open your pores. Your scalp should itch and burn. Wait about 20 minutes for it to take effect.
While waiting, use a dry skin brush and brush skin.
Drink a pint or more of good water, or the Master Cleaner drink with cayenne, lemon, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup.
Run a hot bath and add:
1 cup
Epsom Salts
1/2 cup Baking Soda
1 cup Powdered Ginger, or make a
quart of ginger tea by slicing and dicing an entire ginger root and simmering for 20 minutes on low heat. Strain into bath.
Add cayenne pepper - but beware! it stings. I often chicken out and don't add it. :)
Soak for as long as you can, scrubbing your skin with a loofah or washcloth the entire time.
When you get out, wrap up in towels or robe and get under the covers and continue sweating for another hour or so. Drink more water. then air dry or take lukewarm shower, go to sleep. DO NOT try to do any housework or errands after bath. Rest peacefully! :)