Liver Flush Results
Just over a month ago I did my first flush.
On the 2nd day of preparing for the flush I spontaneously expelled about 40 large chick-pea shaped tan colored stones after giving myself an apple cider vinegar enema. I was gobsmacked as I didn't expect this to happen.
I went ahead with my plan to do the actual
Liver Flush a few days later anyway. Expelled about 50 pea green stones.
A week ago I did the 2nd flush with really disappointing results - expelled only about 15 small pea green stones.
I thought as you went on you'd expel more stones and not less? I'm absolutely sure I have a lot more stones as I'm still breaking out.
Any idea why the 2nd flush was so ineffective? To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I feel it's worth drinking 4 tablespoons of
Epsom Salts in exchange for only 15 tiny stones. I have read about people claiming to expel hundreds at one time, is this the standard or not?
How can I make the flush more effective?
I drink lemon tea daily, take 'stone-crusher' and follow a raw diet.
Thanks for your time :)