The Ingenious Enemy - by Rappoport
FEBRUARY 12, 2005. Normally, I would reprint one of the recent articles about "a new and more deadly strain of HIV" that has been touted in the press. I would spend an hour or two on it, pointing out the dozen or so ridiculous assertions health officials in NYC are making.
The gist is, a NYC man has contracted a new strain of HIV that is resistant to 3 of the 4 blockbuster AIDS drugs, and this man progressed from HIV with no symptoms to full-blown AIDS in three months, and died.
Forget the fact that, over the years, many people have died as quickly from what is called AIDS.
Anyway, you can find one of the articles at Bloomberg and analyze it for youself and find all the holes and absurdities.
Here I want to point out briefly a fascination that people have for killer germs.
These germs seem to make intuitive sense. They hide, they come out when least expected, they attack in the night, they destroy cells, they eat up the body, they understand that the immune system is the body's only hope and so they go after that. Just as a good commander would attack the enemy's basic fortifications.
The myth is attractive for many. They like it. They feel a parallel between this germ myth and actual events wherein powers behind the scenes manipulate, weaken, and destroy whole nations.
They like the apparent intelligence of germs.
Whereas the idea that building up general health and immune function wards off germs in general isn't nearly as sexy.
Who wants to bother interviewing people who have been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS and still live, years later, in a state of great health, who haven't taken the drugs, who haven't psychologically caved in to the diagnosis, who reject the whole medical AIDS paradigm?
No, instead, let's think about THE GERM. The ingenious germ that has a latent phase, a dormant phase that could last 15 or 30 years, during which time the "infected person" thinks all is well.
The Trojan Horse. It sits there in the middle of the square, a gift, waiting to be brought deep inside the army's central fort.
Let's think about the germ that slips deep inside the human cell and waits there, suddenly exploding and killing the cell.
Let's attribute great adaptive qualities to this germ. Treat it, kill it with a drug and the germ retreats and thinks it over and pretty soon it figures out a completely new defense system whereby the drug no longer has an effect on it. Miraculous.
The more new drugs are poured into people, the more "strains" of the original germ emerge. They "evolve" very quickly to defeat the drugs. More quickly than we can.
The race is on. Who will win? The "brilliant" research minds holed up in their labs, or the ingenious germs?
Yes, this myth structure feels right. This MUST be what germs are doing.
The whole AIDS paradigm could, in fact, be viewed as a horror movie cooked up at NIH. It's raked in billions of bucks (government research $$) at the box office. Whenever sales lag, the denizens at NIH release a new tale that adds to the central plotline.
It's the most successful film of the last 25 years.
And it contains the most lies.
Success. Lies. Hmm. I think we've got something here. A simple formula. Success, lies, fear. Ram it down their throats.
Then they will take the drugs.
Now if the DRUGS destroy the immune system...ah.