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cesium chloride revisited
  Views: 8,485
Published: 14 y

cesium chloride revisited

As i can not find any recent updates on the use cesium chloride to combat cancer, i have started this new forum.

The aim here would be to have some detailed news, good or bad of personal recent experiences using cesium chloride.

We can start with my own experience
- I have Multiple Myeloma (bone cancer)
- diagnosed in 2006
- started using CC after a relapse of the cancer in June 2010
- used it for 2 weeks
- started to see lysing in my urine (white stuff) after 4 days. This is a very good sign - in my opinion.
- had to stop because of insurance issues.
- also, started to have trouble walking and had some arrythmia (irregular hardbeat) - found out i was not taking enough potassium. Symptoms endured for 6 months.
- intending to start again on CC very soon.

I believe that CC is worthwhile taking, although under close supervision. The lysing that occured is probably the cancer cells breaking down, which is what we want.

Lets hear from other experiences..... Thanks


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