Re: Ozone and cancer
Phosphorescent studies and nuclear studies have demonstrated that oxygen can't enter cancer cells very well.
Ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2) are not the same thing. O3 has numerous medicinal properties not offered by O2, and ozone's anti-cancer effects have virtually nothing to do with getting O2 in to the cells.
By the same token mineral salts nor an alkaiine pH are needed for O3 to kill cancer cells. In fact it is the lack of mineral based antioxidants in cancer cells that allows O3 to be so effective against cancer cells.
Oxygen and ph are connected via Warburg Effect. So, let's remember all the oxygen in the world means very little if it is being repelled away from cancer membranes.
And again, O3 therapy has virtually nothing to do with getting O2 in to cells when dealing with cancer. The ONLY thing oxygen does as far as cancer goes is to reduce lactate, which prevents the lactate from beign converted back in to glucose through gluconogenesis. This reduces feeding by the cancer cells in a similar manner to the anti-cancer compound hydrazine sulfate.
The "Warburg effect" simply means that there is a shift from the normal oxidation of pyruvate in normal cells to an abnormally high rate of glycolysis in malignant cells as a means of energy production. Since glycolysis is such an inefficient means of energy production, only yielding 2 molecules of ATP per cycle as opposed to the 38 molecules formed from each oxidation cycle, the body's energy supply is quickly used up primarily as waste. This leads to the wasting seen in cancer patients known as cachexia.
What causes this malignant transformation IS NOT a lack of oxygen as is commonly stated. Try researching viral oncogenes for a starter.
Here are a couple of old posts I did on claims made about Warburg: