Easiest Candida Remedy
So you've tried the olive leaf extract... the food grade hydrogen peroxide... or perhaps the
Colloidal Silver ? Garlic?
Of course these are all fabulous remedies to treat a condition known as 'candida' overgrowth.
Yet how effective are they really?
I'd like to share a quick story. Michael came to me with severe fatigue and was very pale, weak.
He had been on
Colloidal Silver for some time, eating mostly raw organic foods, and using EFT, TFT, among other methods to treat this condition.
Michael believed he had some unknown illness, or worse yet - cancer or
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (CFIDS). Immediately my intuition knew something about Michael. He's not a happy person. In fact, he's miserable to say the least.
Opportunistic infections occur when the host is in a vibration of allowing for such a demise. It's like nature's way of doing 'clean up' and saying, "if you're not happy and choosing the fastest path to your joy - then here's a quick ticket outta here!"
So in Michael's defense, he doesn't know why he's miserable.
The good news is, I do...
A chronic vibration of keeping himself out of his joy. For what reason, who knows. We don't need to.
It's a simple fix. I shared RnA drops with Michael. Now, don't confuse RnA with RNA... big difference. RnA drops are technology given to us from an advanced source. Let's keep it simple. I know the owner of this company, Matthew, and from experience these (I will tell you) will work. Even for a hopeless case like Michael seems.
Now before you go and assume that this is a sales pitch and it's a claim to cure a condition - it's not.
RnA drops certainly are not designed to cure anyone of any condition. Yet what they do with virtually everyone is induce a high vibration. This is done by activating 'Chromosome 14' and sending perfect information to the DNA in the body.
That's the
Science bit, as one who is well versed in this I can say it is best experienced.
So Michael is now a happy person. He does not have a coated tongue or a chronic candida condition.
There are many ways to reach the place of well-being.
In that statement lies the answer, "reaching a place of well being."
By the way, I am happy to report that a history of having brittle diabetes is all but diminished for me.