Hi Shattered Soul, our symptoms are very much similar. If I don't clean my anal part with soap and water each morning, my anus would remain moist and the smell from the anus would be amplified. Although when I do smell the moist stuff, it doesn't have any smell (or color to it) but as long as that moist stuff is on my anus, my anal odor intensifies.
You know, shame on the medical profession because we are producing raw data with similar patterns and the medical profession still doesn't take us seriously. It makes me wonder if we do have any truly brilliant people in the world. If God created people on other planets and we had to compete intellectually with them, they would beat us so much. I can't believe some people can still be calling themselves scientists, doctors yet unwilling to investigate stuff. Our medical problem would have become the problem of the medical problem long ago if we truly had geniuses in the world. Who knows where research on this problem can lead to - perhaps to the cure for aids, cancer, etc.