ok how many of you have attempted a flush during a juice fast?? i was on day 17 when i flushed...and i felt like i just fricken had too..i was breaking out on my face bad..partly because i am eliminating toxins fast on this fast..and i thought i could help it out by flushing...well come to find out..olive oil doesnt sit well after fasting 2 and a half weeks...i was nauseous for 12 hours then decided to puke it all up...low and behold it was all or mostly still in my tummy...but it was the BEST flush i have ever had so far..i must have out done myself i had like almost 1000 stones ....and several red lil liver flukes...since i am not eating for so long i know it's not food..and i have seen those before so i definately know what they are now for sure...and after i rested plenty ..because fasting and flushing took the wind out of my sails...i was so energized when i refreshed up and cleaned both bathrooms...did loads of laundry ..changed sheets ..made dinner for my son...and felt so good and euphoric ..the next day after that which is today i woke up ..just popped out of bed had some herbal tea with a smile on my face feeling happy and light as a feather..if being half way clean feels this good...i cant wait to feel REALLY GOOD!! keep flushing!