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Re: Managing hypoglycemia
indianagirl Views: 2,778
Published: 14 y
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Re: Managing hypoglycemia

Yes! This does help! I have heard of metabolic typing and to tell you the truth, in all my brain fog, I know I read about it several times in the last few months but have no idea where.
I am not a very organized or regimented person so thinking about percentages of food groups on my plate at each meal is a challenge when I just need to get some protein down my gullet pronto! But I will absolutely give it another try!
How long have you been working on recovery? If you stray from eating for your metabolic type is it an issue?
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to just live carefree and trust in the resiliency of my body again.
The hypoglycemia makes me feel so fragile!
I have had parts of days here and there where I felt very strong and like I didn't need to eat so often, I must have, unwittingly, done something right on those days.
Thanks so much!!


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