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Liver Flush May Release Residual Candida.
JohnnySmith Views: 1,973
Published: 19 y

Liver Flush May Release Residual Candida.

I never ever had a Candida problem, prior to a liver flush. After doing 9 liver flushes, it seems that Candida was detected in my blood. This leads me to believe that as some compacted fecal matter is dissolved by the action of the Liver Flush candida may be unearthed in the process and may make its way into the blood. There is no question that the Liver Flush does release toxins into the blood, so why not candida. This is all the more reason for flushers to consider doing colinics, enemas before and after every flush and for incorporating anti-candida supplements(caryplic acid, oil of oregano, grapefruit see extract, or whatever works for you) during, before, and after the flush to keep any released candida from getting a foothold in the body.

For those who believe that my problem may have more to do with diet. I can assure you that this is highly unlikely as my diet consists strictly of vegetables, chicken, lamb, bison, and fish, with very little if any carbs. Any carbs from my diet are mostly from lentils and beans. My diet also consisted of liberal amounts of Kefir. However, I do live a very stressful life, which may be a contributing factor. Plus, my diet was not always healthy, so who knows what was trapped in compacted fecal matter from prior poor diets.

I suspected that I had a candida problem, when I began getting unbearable Sugar cravings and my stool(not to gross anyone out) took on the smell of baked bread after about 5 flushes. I also noticed what appeared to be the white yeastly remains of yeast being released with every flush.


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