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iodine toxicity?
Cinnamons Views: 2,462
Published: 14 y

iodine toxicity?

Hello again. I have been on 100 mg of Iodoral in a split dose for about five weeks, taking concurrently 9g vita C and 2 ATP Co-Factors daily. Just got the results from my new urinary test for Iodine loading: up from 27 to 40! 44 is the BOTTOM of the range. So maybe I still have a ways to go. Have not talked to the MD yet about what to do now. Will do that soon. Meanwhile here are some things that happened that some of you might have insight into. Feedback appreciated: I was off Iodoral 24hrs before the urine test date by MD orders. Test date took only 50 mg Iodoral. The night of the test I had two sharp stabbing pains in my right side sub-mandibular glands. The day after the test took 50mg Iodoral but at the time during the day when I had for the past month been taking the second dose I began to feel uncomfortable in a way that is hard to describe and then had mild right breast discomfort. This went on for a few hours and I was so uncomfortable that I finally took the second dose of Iodine bringing the days total to 100 mg... just to see if it wold make me feel better. It did. I tried one more time to cut the dose but was not comfortable, the principle thing being mild right breast discomfort on the lateral side. On 100 mg Iodoral I am comfortable but sometimes I have a slight burning in my mouth which I have read is a symptom of acute Iodine toxicity. One day I had shrimp for lunch and immediately after had major mouth burning and redness which abated after about an hour. Goiter is still large, remaining larger on right side. Possibly it went down a little bit. Not sure. Seems to vary slightly sometimes. No sure about that. Also, I just noticed yesterday: it looks to me like the vertical "set of teeth" lines over my right upper lip which are said to be related to ovarian failure, that first appeared last Fall around the time I lost 7 pounds down to 108lb.... have been able to gain only 1 to 2 pounds of that weight back... those lines look like they are fading, not as deep now. I had been at 115lb for years and years without much fluctuation at all, so the weight drop seems like a big deal. Anyway, it feels like my body needs the iodine but I am worried about the occasional burning mouth and fear various cancers and worried I will be badly treated by any traditional endocrinologist [doubtless need to see one] as he or she will probably say I brought this on myself by taking Iodoral for a few years. I do not believe that is true. Do not have Dr. F's take on this yet. Want to stay on the Iodoral if it will help. Any thoughts? And does anyone know an iodine literate endocrinologist in NJ/NYC of anywhere on East coast or USA in general who is taking new patients? P.S. I cannot use the salt water at all as even a little of it makes me feel very ill.


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