Hi HV,
I know that this topic comes up all the time but a good friend of my sister-in-law has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. My info is all second hand but I understand that she has been diagnosed with grade 3 stage 3, 5cm tumor, cancer in lymph nodes and not detected in any other tissue. As I noted in the topic, she is only early 30s with two young children - still breastfeeding her youngest which seemed to delay the diagnosis as there was fluid-buildup in front hiding the tumor.
She will be undergoing 6months of chemo followed by a double masectomy and lymph node removal.
She isn't into natural health but seems to be receptive of taking some supps alongside the conventional meds.
I would really appreciate it if you could please email me your cancer write-up (I will PM you my address). Do you have any specific advice for this situation?
Thanks in advance for your input