13 y
Re: help me my ears wont stop ringing!
Tinnitus can be caused by something as simple as your daily lunch (i.e. Chinese food containing MSG or a can of soda with Aspartame, both neurotoxins that destroy inner-ear nerve cells) or medication (i.e. Aspirin, Advil or an Anti-Depressant) or the electromagnetic frequencies you're exposed to on a daily basis in your home and at work.
Often though it's the result of any number of a litany of underlying health problems that your ears are alaming you off to keep from culminating into one life-threatening condition, such as high or low-blood pressure, vitamin deficiency, emotional stress, sinus infection, blood-sugar irregularities...the list goes on. Basically systemic health imbalance effects your body in all sorts of ways and your ears are particularly sensitive and good and notifying you off this.
The key is to find out what you may be doing or may have done to cause your ears to express their displeasure and then take a holistic plan of action to stop the abuse (as your body sees it, at least) and start the recovery process. Alternative therapies often compliment lifestyle changes to trigger healing and alleviate symptoms in the short-term.
Here's an example of one natural tinnitus therapy form that can hasten the recovery process (as well as more in-depth information on resolving tinnitus naturally).
Hope this helps
(Like your image by the way - that's an extremely empowering mindset.)