Re: Bentonite clay or Oxy-Powder
I started in Feb'03 and have done 47 flushes. The main reason for so many is that I have a 27 mm calcified stone that Andreas calls a sleeper stone. Please don't tell me to use supplements for breaking it up, I have done a lot of different things. After a lot of reading and talking to Telman I have to agree with him that the the stone, because of its size needs a healthy gallbladder to push out the stone. So now I will just do a flush every 6-8 weeks or so. It is like Telman says that I have that stone is all in my mind because I have no symptoms for the last 2 years.
Though I am an
Andreas Moritz follower most of my flushes have been like the Dr.Kelley/
Oxypowder flush because I have trouble not eating after 2pm.
Andreas does not say you have to use
Oxypowder with the flush, he says clean the intestines with the oxy as a bowelcleanse instead of herbalcleanses/fiber/bentonite.
After 10 flushes all my symptoms were gone. I did for several months only flushes, I had no idea about all the other things you could do.
Then I tried everything that people talked about, so I could be busy the whole day with doing everything.I have a colema board and did for awhile, but not anymore.
I cut everything out and went back to basics what meant Andreas view cleaning and lifestyle improvement.
The thing that stands out to me, after 3 years, that most people want instantly results like taking an aspirin for headaches. Alternative medicine is not that way it might take months, but it does work.
Now 3 years later I have been reading other forums and if I find something interesting I might try it, but for me the liverflush was a miracle. But so far whatever I try might be good for me but I never get the results that I had with the flushes.