Acidity v. Alkalinity
I am so confused on this subject and want to wrap my brain around it once and for all. I have doctors pushing alkalinity and Hv who does not. I have looked through countless discussions on here, but most are referring to the use of alkalinized water, sodium bicarbonate, etc. What about the food we eat? Vegetables are alkaline and junk food is acidic. We all hear/read that disease is prevalent in an acidic body which makes sense because the American diet is horribly filled with fast food, processed food & contaminated foods that are acid forming in the body. I do believe an acidic diet upsets the flora and the immune system. I understand there is a different pH necessary for every part of our bodies, but what I don't understand is how could alkalinizing be bad for those who are ill in an acidic body. I know we are striving for the balanced body and that is the ultimate goal, but how in the world do you get there once your body is so out of balance? I am currently eating only fresh vegetables, olive oil and small portions of healthy, lean meats & wild caught fish (a few times a week); drinking only a mixture of spring/purified/filtered/distilled water and that's it! Nothing acid forming is in my diet and somehow, my pH stays at 5 (sometimes a 6 ~ with 7 being ideal) and I even feel very acidic. I am assuming my body is dumping unwanted acids...hopefully, but how long until a shift comes? It's been years since I have eaten a processed food or even worn makeup/nail polish/lotion/ hair products, etc. I recently took a trip to the UK where all of their water supply is alkalinized and I felt the best I have in years. Even their bottled water is labeled with it's 7.5 pH and you can taste the minerals in the tap water. I do not want to stir any pots ~ I am seeking health and that is it. I really want to understand this concept so I very much appreciate your educated input.