Re: confuzzled.
I'm a guy but I am sending this post to you from some ladies who were cured of their BV, hope this helps.
Bacterial Vaginosis-
hi ladies... i've suffered from chronic BV for about 3 1/2 years now. I've tried all the pills, gels, home remedies, diet changes that i can think of and nothing has worked for me except for hydrogen peroxide/water mix (50/50 mix). It's been the only thing able to keep my symptoms at bay. The first week i used it every night before bed for 7 nights. Then the second week i used it every other night. That's been about 2 months ago and i'm still using it 1-2 times a week and haven't had any BV symptoms as of yet. I figure if I keep the bad bacteria out with the peroxide for a few months, that gives the good bacteria a chance to recolonize as i've been told the peroxide won't kill the good bacteria.
Another post
They told me at the herb store that they use this recipe at the mid-wife center and have had awesome results. 1 ounce combination extract of
3 parts usnea
1 part goldenseal
12-16 ounce bottle of peroxide
Douche bag or bottle with vaginal tip
Mix 6
oz (3/4 cup of 3% peroxide
oz (1 & 1/4 cup) warm water
6cc (tsp) Usnea/goldenseal extract shake well
every other day for a total of 4 applications/ severe cases every day for 4 days.
I found a post on another website about the hydrogen peroxide and i'm so glad i did. Now i have total relief from all symptoms but i don't wait for symptoms to appear before using it again either. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to give the background on my experience with this nasty thing that until now has refused to leave. I hope you get good results.. 12 years is a long time to suffer and i feel for you!!! Hang in there.