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Re: Lugol's new user question
I have two suggestions for you:
on a non-work day try taking more iodine.
Like 5 or 10 drops
you may actually feel better.
I have mostly worked with Iodoral and
2 months ago after 12 months on
Iodine I took 2 drops or
Lugols 5%, so 12.5mg and I had the worst frigging headache, I did two or three salt pushes and nothing, it went on for hours. Then I took 2 drops of
SSKI , 60mg of KI, and the headache was gone within 30 minutes. sometimes you have to take enough good stuff to move enough bad stuff out that you feel better.
This sometimes also means doing work to clean up liver and kidneys. Which I am currently doing.....liver flushes,
coffee enemas and herbs........
Suggestion number 2:
think very seriously about safely getting your fillings out and doing some chelation to clean the heavy metals out of your body.
This is a very controversial topic, and I of course have a big fat opinion about it. You can search for the Andy Cutler Chelation forum here and also search for that on google too.