Treating a zinc deficiency
So, I realised I have a zinc deficiency as I have many of the symptoms and the zinc taste test confirmed it.
Also, after sex, especially more than once a day, my hands become dry and lose some elasticity so when I open my hand, the skin overstretches somewhat unless I lubricate them with water. Also having stretch marks appear out of nowhere despite not losing or gaining weight or weightlifting.
Is this zinc/collagen related?
What is the best way to treat the deficiency?
Is zinc picolinate the best supplement form of zinc to take? Also, should I take it on an empty stomach?
I purchased a Solgar branded bottle which contains 100 tablets, each containing 22mg of zinc picolinate.
Should I start on 1 tablet a day for a week and then up the dose to 2 tablets for a month and then also supplement with 2.5mg chelated copper alongside the 44mg zinc picolinate (split zinc dose or not)?
Should the copper be taken at the same time as the zinc or at seperate times since they compete for absorbtion?