My wife made a delicious fatty meal I couldn't resist. I awoke with nasty diarrhea thinking of food poisoning. Realizing I would feel better with an enema to clean the nasty out, after a toilet flush there were small fecal pellets I thought....NO THEY WERE GREENISH - I did a mini flush with a full GB and a fatty meal. The stones are EXACTLY What I get every single liver flush. Irregular, green, soft, greasy on a finger smash...
Those are not gallstones, they are formed from a reaction of the ingredients of the so-called "flush" and bile. They are frequently referred to as "soap stones" for this reason, although they can also be formed by the reaction of sterols in the oil with cholesterol in the bile released from the oil ingestion. This is why people should learn how the body really works and not rely on internet hype about these so-called "liver flushes".