Colon Cleansing Programs/Protocols Re: Guess What? I'm Well!!!!
I have some information on cleansing the colon using IF#1 and IF#2 that may be of interest. Successful cleansing of the colon is not as simple as taking IF#2 once a day in capsule form. It is not a 5-day cleanse.
(I have included some information on taking IF#2 in capsule form as I see in another post you mentioned using the capsules.)
It can take months or even years to cleanse, restore and heal. Most people on this forum do a minimum of 30 days and then re-evaluate.
Cleansing the colon is ALWAYS the first step to regaining a healthy body... along with healthy eating and drinking pure water (distilled and/or reverse osmosis).
Excerpt from this post:
Solutions :) IF#1/IF#2 users? PLEASE READ! :) Re: Problems on Bowel Cleansing with Schulze
It seems to me your first error wasn't even your fault. For YEARS Dr. Schulze REFUSED to encapsulate IF#2, because it doesn't WORK like it's supposed to when it's encapsulated. I had IBS when I did my first cleanse, and I chose the capsule (from Health Freedom Resources, because Dr. Schulze would NOT make them at that time). After the 2nd day, I saw handfuls of little black peas coming out (oh MY, nobody said anything about 'black peas'). I examined them, they were half digested could still see the dry herbs in the middle and parts of the gel cap.
Sadly (those of us that have studied Schulze for years) know that his focus is highly financial these days. 4 years ago you would have NEVER been able to get capsules from him.
Ali, methinks you need to 'start from scratch'...with the right product (IF#2 POWDER and IF#1 capsules if you need them)...and with the right knowledge. EVERY person needs to do one thorough colon cleansing (30 days) and then do a 10 day cleanse on every solstice (or 4x a year). We cannot undo decades worth of damage in a month - that's just silly.
Excerpt from this link/post:
(Dr. Schulze)
After using the intestinal formula #1 for at least a week, begin the colon cleansing formulas mentioned in the chapter on bowel cleansing in the User Manual. This comes before anything else you do. Take the Number Two Intestinal Formula 6 times a day, and do NOT decrease the number of times you take it by using more formula less often. You want the formula in your colon at all times, and not sporadically.
Then, you will notice parasites being removed, casing of old fecal matter coming out, and mucus. If you take the number two formula erratically or once or twice a day, this will not happen.
Intestinal Formulas #1 & #2:
Here is more information on cleansing the colon:
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Colon
Colon Cleanse LINKS