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Would this work?
  Views: 2,717
Published: 14 y

Would this work?

1. I won't be able to continue the Liver Flush tomorrow, so I'm wondering if I could do a 1 day liver flush? Maybe I could do the regular regimen but much earlier, and after the olive oil I'll just take an hour long nap or something...

How could I do this?

2. Also, if you've seen my earlier post you'll know I'm attempting to detox a drug called Accutane. I did a couple Salt Flushes last weekend, and my symptoms got worse. It felt like I was actually taking the drug again because I was experiencing it's effect on skin, hair, head, etc. So I must have stirred some of it up in my bowels right? Right now I'm in hell because my hair is falling out more then usual, and my symptoms just got kicked up a notch. What should I do? I'm looking at Oxypowder but I can't buy that over the internet. Are there over-the-counter alternatives that I could get in a health store?

How should I go about getting this out of my body?


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