Shingles after liver flush?
Well, I finally found out yesterday, after 10 days of some of the most intense pain I've ever experienced, that what I got just following my 4th
Liver-Flush with grapefruit juice and olive oil (1/2 C each) and following the Clark protocol to the letter with the 4 Tbsp of ES at the recommended times and in 3 cups of water, is shingles. It
started out with doubling over in pain after I drank some orange juice which I juiced myself from organic oranges, on the Monday following a Sat. night flush. What followed was abdominal distention, pain, the fleshy part of my left hip turning numb and painful at the same time (the nerves going from my colon to my last 2 vertebrae were affected, evidently) and then the lesions started showing. Every day has gotten worse since last weekend, and finally the lesions got so bad they felt like an insect sting and the pain in my abdomen/left hip felt like a horse kicked me. Not to mention extreme fatigue from not being able to sleep more than 3 hrs. in about 9-10 days. Has anyone ever experienced shingles coming on after a flush, or any other dormant viral disease kicking up? I spoke w/ Julia Chang of and she said I did not need ES to open up my GB ducts, that the GCG would be enough (which I had been taking prior). It will be a cold day in hell before I ever take
Epsom Salts again! My tender tissues were sore for over a week.