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Re: Safe in the Harbor -- 30 Day Summary
FQ Survivor Views: 1,746
Published: 14 y
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Re: Safe in the Harbor -- 30 Day Summary


The gloves - I don't wear them every time I sunbathe. But a few days ago, I hurt my right hand. My left hand was already injured. So for the past few days I've been wearing fomentations inside those rubber gloves at various times throughout the day. Yeah, I take them off in the sun. But it makes a funny picture and a funny story.

Abstinence - This is something I chose to do on my own. It's not part of the IP suggested by Uny or Schulze. Why do it? To conserve energy. If you ask a Kung-fu master, he will tell you that ejaculation depletes jing. If you ask an Amazonian shaman, he will tell you that you lose energy in sex. If you ask a Western chemist, he will tell you that semen contains valuable vitamins and minerals. If you ask the average housewife, she will tell you that her husband rolls over and falls asleep within a minute or so after he cllmaxes. If you read old folklore from around the world, you will find countless tales of men being exhausted through sexua| stimulation, ie: succubus. If you ask a professional athlete, he will tell you that he never has sex the day of a game. Sperm are alive, and they get that life from somewhere. Biologically, it makes sense that our bodies would put the best of what we have into our semen.

Beyond those, sex is distracting. And right now, I'm having trouble keeping my tinctures straight. For me, it's easiest to just focus on this program and come back to those other things once I'm feeling better and like I have some energy to throw around.


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