companion planting
such a wonderful subject!
i'm planning on getting some wading pools very soon and having a long balcony of small circles, densely packed. I want to see bees this year. there were only a few last year. :-(
We have a nice south facing balcony, (once upon a time it was different; backyards; meadows;... but this is where we are at now), and very little of it gets "full sun", what with the shadow of the front wall, which is brick. But, there ARE microclimates, even here, and gardeners whose heart is *in it* will celebrate that/know its value. )
I am a slow learner, - partly because I haven't ever quite 'landed', here, but now I accept it, see it newly, and am learning. Last fall I realized my morning glories would be happiest against the apartment wall, and over the windows, and not nearer the road -- And thay lasted into November, and thrived when I moved them back. They also enjoyed somelate tomatoes, twining and so on.
Anyone got stories or experience, links to share?
I also would love to hear, esp. if you have experience, what does well on city balconies that face north, on Lake Ontario, Ontario. Zone?
I don't know. I better go check.
back again. zone 6-ish, they say. And there are microclimates possible.
thanks so much,