Re: (graphic) - Can someone tell me what this may be? Lyme, parasite or liver tissue?
Doing an study on Lyme, Mercury and Polyps (all of issues I am likely still dealing with, I came across this article which talks about Lyme for Cysts/Blebs/or Polyps. But this specific article mentions "granule clumps" of the young spirochetes of Lyme.
But it seems your dealing with something larger. Like the one replyer said: a "fluke worm" perhaps. I don't know.
"I am convinced that they [the "young" spirochetes] are formed within the tissues--probably from the granule clumps--and that it is only at a later stage and under certain conditions that they grow to full size..."
Leishman WB. The Horace Dobell lecture on an experimental investigation of Spirochaeta duttoni, 1920 the Lancet, 2:1237-1244 (Noted in Spirochetal Cysts, L-Forms, and Blebs Observations from 1905 to 2005)
i may be a little bit hypochondriactic but dealing with ... something