Re: Zapping a Dog diagnosed as having Nasal Carcinoma / cancer
I thought I was reading one of my post's. I have a canine that was diagnosed with oral squamous\sinonasal carcinoma, and was diagnosed around the same time.
I have been using the med. mushroom, apricot kernals, MSM, cessium chloride, ozone, along with dig. enzymes and essiac.
I am wondeing if zapping would help. This cancer is strange. I moved into a new home back in Aug. and my canines have developed the symptoms you described shortly after moving. At the time my vet prescribed doxcycline which aleviated the symptoms, but shortly afterwod discovered the cancer. I am wondering if it could be result of parasitic fluke or fungi.
I wish you good luck with your friend, it's terrible to see them in poor health.
P.S. I found the best way to administer medicine is by grinding with morter/pestel, then slice a pocket into meat and place medicine into meat pocket. Much better than "greenies pocket".