After A Dozen Or So Flushes....A few thoughts
I say a dozen...could be thirteen. I've lost count :-)
Can't believe still getting stones out. I have to wonder how the liver has sufficient space to store them all ! How many have I passed. No idea. Hundreds perhaps 500 to 1000 ? Not very good at logging it all. Is it possible that 50 to 100 stones could form between monthly flushes ? Just a heretical thought and obviously would like someone to disprove this ! :-)
IT WOULD be good to see a human dissected liver with intrahepatic stones inside it. Anyone got a link ?
My continuing motivation is to cure my psoriasis...Over the course of a year there have been improvements in my overall health that may be in part due to
Liver Flushing (I've been taking 50mg DHEA daily over the last couple of months which may have improved my health as well). I've lost weight and believe my knee joints have increased flexibility. BM is twice a day now. Had been once a day. I may have less cravings to eat so much - but factored into this is my continuing drive to eat more healthily in any case.
A thought on colonics. I reckon if we were to follow the instructions on this most people couldn't afford
Liver Flushing as well as the logistics of liaising with a therapist . I have found the
Epsom Salts blasts everything out.
On the last few flushes I've increased the olive oil. I'm a bigger than average bloke and I believe more stones have come out because of this.
For those just starting you may find you get nothing out on the first flush....
I've found "budget"/"concentrated" apple juice to be fine. Obviously contains enough malic acid.
Liver Flushing is one of the best things you can do. When you see loads of green stones coming out, you just know they have no place in the body !