Re: what are the symptoms of ketosis?
Glucose is used by the body as "gasoline" to get you through the day and provide the energy you need to function. But all of this changes drastically when you stop eating. When you are water fasting, the body amazingly shifts its fuel production from that of glucose from food, to that of "ketones" or fuel extracted from stored fat.
This reorganization of fuel production (from glucose to stored fat) starts the second day of food abstinence and is completed at the end of of your first 72 hours. In some cases it may take up to four-to-five days, but three days is the average. By the third day, the production ofketones will become enough to deliver all the fuel the body needs.
From the third day on, the body accelerates its consumption and breakdown of fatty acids and fat. This process hits is peak from the ninth to eleventh day. This seven-day period, after the body has shifted completely over toketosis, is where the maximum breakdown of fat tissue occurs. It is also when the most significant healing begins to take place. That is why I believe that most people would be MUCH better off (mentally and physically) if they fasted regularly.
Symptoms of ketosis and body detoxification while water fasting include; metallic taste in your mouth, sticky white film in the tongue, dizziness, fever, diarrhea, weakness and foul breath -among others. While going through this is no fun, the discomfort usually disappears between days nine and eleven. It's all part of the healing process. Compared to the ultimate pain of chronic illness, fasting symptoms are a very small price to pay for our lives and health.