Herbs to alcohol ratio: The highest quality tinctures on the market currently use a ratio of 4 parts alcohol to 1 herb. (I can find nothing to indicate the ratio currently used by Schulze/HFR). What this means is that once the herbs have absorbed the alcohol, when one looks at the full jar, the bottom fourth would be herbs and the top 3/4 of the jar would be the alcohol 'floating' on the top. Christopher/Schulze (and all the old herbalists) generally made tinctures with 2 parts alcohol to 1 part herb ratio...so the jar would be 1/2 alcohol, 1/2 herb. All our tinctures are that ratio at the very minimum. The majority of our tinctures are 3 parts herb to one part alcohol or better...so the final tincture jar is 2/3-3/4 herb with only a few inches of alcohol floating on the top.