Re: Superfood
Without further information about you and your diet, nutritional habits, health issues, etc. it is not possible to respond to why you are experiencing this reaction.
I can direct you to some information on Superfood. You may find something helpful there:
Superfood "Recipe" and more.. LINKS
Other Information you may find of interest/helpful:
If you copy & paste the question list into a NEW post and then fill it out, it will give a clearer picture of what is 'going on' with your body and Unyquity will be better able to help/guide/assist you in your health journey.
[FAQ] Questions For Those Seeking Help
FAQ] Moving Toward Perfect Health Foundational Health Programs
[FAQ] What is Natural Healing?
~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads
LINKS TO: Sources -- Products -- Related Information
LINKS to the [FAQ] Working File Threads... and SOME related information.
I hope you will soon be feeling POSITIVE about your health journey! IMO... you have come to the right place if you are seeking to find health naturally.