3rd Flush Results and an unbelievable urge to eat cheese
Hello All,
Well, completed my third flush this morning and all went fairly well with the exception that I was VERY nauseated all night. Also, living in Texas, we have very strong and dangerous spring thunderstorms...and the weather alarm radio was going off all night.
I tried the Kelley flush this time...it did fine, but I think there is a problem with it in that the GB doesn't have enough bile left to process all of the OO/GF concoction...so it makes you nauseous. I even had to get my husband to cut off a piece of raw ginger to chew on just so I could sleep.
Anyway, results:
First thing this morning (8:30) I passed approx. 2 cups worth of C-shaped cylindrical shaped objects...not critters, but sludge in the shape of bile ducts. They were very light tan in color. Each was approx. 1cm wide X 6cm long.
After first ES dose: passed mostly sludge and approx 50-60 pea-sized green stones.
So, not terribly exciting, although at this moment I have given in to my temptation to eat cheese. I couldn't stand it anymore.