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Parasite lifecycle(tapeworm)
suzannaxyz Views: 2,358
Published: 14 y

Parasite lifecycle(tapeworm)

I need help, because my daughter started having the same symtoms that she had before she passed the worm on January 7 of this year. It was an offwhite flat 5 inch worm. She used to complain of difficulty of breathing pointing to the stomach and abdominal area(to me looks like from stomach to the small instestine). It has been three months then, I try to kill the scolex and is not working. She started againt the symptoms with difficulty of breathing. Is is possible that once the worm grows it presses the stomach and intestines and she cannot breath. She is also have bloating. I started with Paragone a week ago, and I am going to start Zymex II. I am scared that the Tapeworm will suffocate her if I don't kill her on time. She is given pumpkin seeds, I started on olive oil with l-cystein, by looks like this is for eggs and larvae.
Do the Tapeworms have 90 day lifecycle?


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