Re: Flush or no flush? another question
You also answered my other question, kidney flush after the
Liver Flush is still ok. But how long after is ideal do you think? :)
I just ordered the herbal tea mix from Andreas' liver cleanse book and its on its way. In the mean time I am flushing tonight and will do the
coffee enemas between and for a few days after to clear everything out. Do you do the
Epsom Salts every time or just at the one bewteen the 2 doses of ES? I am hyper sensitive to ES so I will be just doing an enema first then the ES, 1 dose. I am not sure if I will do a second round of ES tommorow or not.. but I will do a
coffee enema in the morning. The ES dehydrates me and makes my kidneys hurt badly. Also makes me feel like the walking dead for energy. Maybe it overstimulates my adrenals? Not sure. Have to check in to that.
Do you use probiotics after the coffee enemas? I have heard its a good idea to regenerate the good flora after more than one coffee enema. I would be interested to hear your ideas about that.