Re: Vascular injury, Candida, and some thoughts
From what I've learned about systemic candida, it is rare because once candida is in the blood, it is destroyed RAPIDLY unless your body cannot mount immune response at all ie Cancer and AIDS patients. I read this from a pretty reputable source. But who knows?
This surprised the heck out of me, but it really is what happend:
Removal of trace gluten solved the more frightening vascular symptoms.
I do know that when the blood is overloaded with candida toxins, metabollic waste (leaky gut) circulating immunne complexes (
food allergy ) the blood becomes more sticky as the liver simply cannot keep up.
What surprised me the most was how quickly those symptoms dissapeared once the gluten was 100% gone. I guess cholesterol is used like little bricks patching the irritated and damaged leaky blood vessels. I have been eating mcuh more healthy fats (meats) which might be what the body needs to repair the damage. I also did some research on heart disease and came up with 3grams vitamin C per day and at least 600mg q-10. I've been doing that consistently also. However, given the fact that my body responded so quickly to giving up trace gluten, I have to believe that the primary thing to keep in mind is to remove all sources of potential vascular injury.
1. Nicotine and other tobacco chemicals (for sure)
2. Chronic high blood glucose levels (for sure)
3. Gluten intolerance or other
food allergy (possibly)
4. Toxicity via leaky gut / constipation / re absorption (probably)
5. Chronic infection (for sure)
If you or anyone else can add to this list, please feel free