mms negative reaction?
Any help with my following description much appreciated:
i have been taking mms on and off for just over a year now for a variety of reasons. internally for detoxification, removal of parasites, fighting illness etc., topically to fight infection, spray it around the house to kill germs. quite impressed with it BUT...
recently had been fighting a nasty bronchial infection and taking 2-5 drops in the evenings when i get home from work, seems to help each night, but last time i did a four drop dose and got completely sick, sweating like crazy, brain in a fog, threw up a few times, don't know if my one year old mms could have expired or possibly the
citric acid (50% mix) has gone bad, seems to have some growths in it. very mystified as i had just taken a dose earlier and never had this reaction before. didn't seem like more than normal 4 drops came out either. kinda put me off taking it internally tho i will continue to use it in the other ways...
if anyone can comment on this, please do so