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Does it make sense?
uchihaMadara Views: 7,722
Published: 14 y
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Does it make sense?

I'll cherry pick a ratio.


The source explains that an ideal ratio of Na/K is 2.5 with 6+ being severely elevated for a hair mineral ratio.

Reference range serum lab values measured in millimoles per liter for Na = 136 - 144 and K = 3.5 - 5.1.

Using the lowest Na and highest K reference ranges should yield the lowest divisible result.


136 / 5.1 = ~26.66 is a serum ratio

Since the Web site is talking about hair mineral ratios, not serum ratios like the comparison above, why does hair contain a very different ratio than serum?

Regardless, do people simply get their hair mineral analysis and modify their diets/supplements to conform to the stated ratios to be within a healthy range?

Are there any testimonials on CZ that someone may provide with links about fixing hair mineral analysis ratios?


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