Day 15...
This is day 15
SSKI and companions. I am at 6 standard dropper vertical drops and holding. Sometimes time constraints are such that I have to follow early drops with food - don't know how much this interferes with
SSKI absorption?
I feel good about continuing
SSKI and thyroid nodule is no longer tender and smaller each day it seems. Trying to juggle all the supplements can get crazy while recently adding Triboron, getting an extra salt push or two going, making sure the Amla, Selenomethione, Magnesium get on board - not sure of the RIGHT times for all some days. I do not have a typical schedule - unorthodox sleeping and eating patterns sometimes (which are possibly some of my problem).
I would love to be able to afford an entire water purification system. It bothers me to be trying to push out the bad halogens while taking a bath in the stuff.
I am wide open to any advice in how to fine tune this protocal-such as how others are juggling the timing and dosages.
If I have this right I am to do:
FEED --- SSKI early (empty stomach)
DETOX ---30 mins. later Salt push
HEAL --- I hour later Companions (with food)
Magnesium also????
--- 2 hours after SSKI (or before bed) Vitamin C
It is not always possible to wait for food for 1.5 hours after SSKI, so how touchy is the timing of all this really???
Then there is Chaga, Bee pollen, Nettles, Chlorella, and I realize herbs need empty stomach , supplements need food. But then, a powdered Probiotic that needs to be taken early on empty stomach - so what takes presidence, SSKI or probiotic first?