so does a toxic liver produce negative emotions? or do negative feelings flood the liver (plus other organs) with toxicity? (negative feelings FLOOD the body with a powerfull catabolic hormone CORTISOL,which most likely is also the cause of deteriating organ tissues..)hhmmmmm...i am not 'chronicly' depressed,but i do have intense bouts of depression,mostly about my horrible past and experiances (you don't want to me) and that have nothing to do with the present day..
so.. how does a damaged liver cause negative emotional problems? can someone please give me some sypmtoms,because in know i may have them all
does cleansing the liver also cleanse the gallbladder?
how often can i do the cleanse? and can i do this cleanse,say the night prior to my day off of work? and then have the mudslide fest on my day off?..hope so, i am excited to do this cleanse!!