Need to find specialists in So. Cal. and Tucson, AZ.
Hi. I am a long time poster here on CZ. I have been sick for about 15 years now from a myriad of autoimmune disorders including supposedly lyme disease, epstein barr, adrenal fatigue, TMJ, candida, parasites, heavy metal toxicity and now recently asthma and horrible vision problems, which I never had before. I actually have very good teeth. Never had a cavity in my life, but I did have a tooth that I had to have a
root canal on, as the root was growing through the tooth. I also had all my wisdom teeth out. I have TMJ in the sense that whenever I open my jaw, especially to yawn, my jaw pops horribly and loudly. I frequently get discomfort in my very back teeth (right in front of where the wisdom teeth were on the bottom), but nothing is found to be wrong. It's like the teeth or tooth becomes sensitive for a short while and then stops. This has happened frequently over the years. Where the
root canal was, the gum has worn down I can see a metal ring where they supposedly replaced the
Amalgam I had removed from the original root canal. Sadly, I found out after the fact that my then dentist didn't use the proper equipment and such to remove my filling, so chances are pretty high I injested/inhaled mercury/vapors.
I have been to countless doctors, ND's and so forth and nothing works to make me well. I didn't even know about cavitations until recently and their connection to chronic illness. While I don't want to my jaw drilled into, if there is a possiblity it could be connected to my failing health, then I must exhaust all possibilities.
I currently live near Tucson, AZ. I would like to find a cavitation specialist/biological dentist for myself and my husband (who actually does have a mouth full of metal and several teeth that have been pulled. Also had an abcess). My mom is in CA and also has a mouth full of metal, pulled teeth and has chronic phantom tooth pain, neck pain, and dental problems. Can anyone recommend specialists in So. CA for my mom and Tucson area for us? Thanks!