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Re: Anonalon, what milk thistle product do you use?
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Published: 14 y
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Re: Anonalon, what milk thistle product do you use?

I'll tell you what. This condition has caused me to look closer at my fear of death.

I recommend "Near Death Experiences". Can't remember the author now, but Google will find it.

There was a case of a woman who had a brain procedure where she was clinically induced into brain death. All of the blood was drained from the brain, the body temperate lowered to 60 degrees and no electrical activity in the brain recorded whatsoever.

She was able to recall and recite the conversation the doctors were having DURING this induced brain death, she could recall the tools and equpiment used and also was able to verify with other people that she left the room and listened to conversations going on down the hall and in the cafeteria during the procedure.

Although not tested with the rigors of the scientific method, that proves to me that we survive death beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I think our fears of the low blood Sugar are much worse than actually dieing of it would be.


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