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Re: urine therapy for kidney damage?
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Re: urine therapy for kidney damage?


I had reduced kidney function and have been doing urine therapy for about 4 months and my kidney function has returned to normal. I do sometimes get a slight pain but not very often.

It is important that you cut out all animal meat and pasturised dairy. I drink raw milk kefir which has also helped my kidney and kidney pain, however if I make it with pasturised milk my kidneys hurt a lot very quickly. I would also stay away from any foods high in oxolates and you might want to consider a kidney cleanse.

Did you use Epsom Salts for your liver flush? If so ES are very harsh on your kidneys and if I was you would in future do a Liver Flush with only olive oil lemon juice and ginger juice and also try coffee enemas (be careful with these if you have adrenal problems as you could make yourself worse) EDIT: however I would not do any more liver work for at least 3-4 weeks, and perhaps much longer until you are sure that your kidneys are functioning better. And when you do start on your liver again I would go very slow and no ES ever. Also as you have whacked your kidneys you will probably have whacked your adrenals also so probably dont do any coffee enemas (or drink any coffee), stay away from stimulants and alcohol and you could try some natural vit c such as organic amla berry which is great for your adrenals and will help to rehydrate you more quickly. Dont take ascorbic acid as it is harsh on your kidneys, and start slowly with amla as if you are really toxic vit c can actually make things worse (warning sign would be increased anxiety) but if you can tollerate it it could make a huge difference. Also organic nettle leaf is well tollerated and is good for kidney and adrenal function.

If you did use ES and had a lot of diarrhea you could be deydrated which will put a lot of extra strain on your kidneys. If you think you are dehydrated the best thing to do is to get lots of orgnic veg, especially asparagus and brocolli (but no green leaves as these are high in oxolates, put in a big pan and cover to the top with spring or filtered water and add some good quality salt to taste (himalayan pink salt or celtic salt) amd boil for 1 hour then eat this throughout the day. Make sure there is lots of water as you want the water to absorb the minerals which will help to rehydrate you. This is very easy and quick to make but keep eating this at least twice per day every day for as long as possible and this should help loads along with the UT.

Also accupuncture can be good for kidneys as long as you get a good practioner. Do you have any knee pain and / or ear pain, ringing in the ears or blocked ears as these are classic symptoms in chinese medicine of kidney problems (I have all these symptoms) as these are all kidney meridian points.

Hope this helps



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