IP6 helps magnesium tolerance?
I took IP6 a few weeks ago just for one day, I had a really bad wakeup in the middle of the nite so I stopped. But a few days later I noticed I was getting more constipated so I took a little more mangnesium, now I can take about 500-600mg/day.
This is pretty huge for me.
Until a few months ago when my ND got me to take Biocidin I was only able to handle about 50mg/day without getting very loose stools. After 3-4 bottles of Biocidin I was able to tolerate about 300mg of Mag/day. The Biocidin got rid of C. Difficle infection.
and now another mag increase with the IP6.
Although I can't say I notice any improvements that I could relate to more mag in my system--like more flexibility, sleep better, more relaxed etc. I figure either it isn't getting into my cells yet or I am so depleted it is going to take awhile.
Newport, thank you for sharing info on this rust issue, quite brilliant.
You probably have some understanding of why my magnesium tolerance is better. If you do and would be willing to share I would love to hear.
so I am finally feeling brave enough to give the IP6 another go and see if I can go 5 days at 2gm/day. I am chelating now so figured it would be a good time to do it, thanks for elaborating on that also NP.