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[FAQ] Cancer --- Natural Healing Information & Protocols -- LINKS PAGE
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[FAQ] Cancer --- Natural Healing Information & Protocols -- LINKS PAGE

[FAQ] Cancer --- Natural Healing Information & Protocols -- LINKS PAGE


This is an FAQ working file thread. Please do not ask questions in this thread. Feel free to add valid information/research and or testimonies.


Dr. Schulze 's audio series:
Healing Cancer Naturally (or any disease0:

Healing Cancer Naturally -- Dr. Schulze :

for pneumonia, killer viruses, cancer and AIDS.

How to STOP and reverse CERVICAL Cancer - Dr. Schulze interview

Detoxification Cocktail for tough cases

Cleansing the Blood & Lymph -- Blood Detox Tincture -- Based on the famous Hoxey Formula and Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Combination -- Support for the Liver

Thoughts...Re: My Status (Re: All Tinctures bypass Digestive System?) [Unyquity]

SCHULZE: I had a man who had a colon cancer and he basically refused
to do anything, but he said he would stop eating and go on juices.

Cleansing the Bowel and Appendicitis

Tumors can be the body's way of trying to dispose of wastes.

Sometimes these external cancer tumors have little holes in the end, where they leak pus and blood. Sometimes the skin turns redder and darker in color, and then splits open.

Please read! Understanding me/Unyquity VERY IMPORTANT SCHULZE STUFF [Unyquity]

~!~ Schulze GEM! How to choose a protocol/teacher/book MUST READ [Unyquity]

Just fyi - Dr. Schulzes "qualifications" [Unyquity]

[FAQ] Dr. Schulze Information -- LINKS PAGE


Thinks & thoughts (and recommendations) Re: Chronic Fatigue! [Unyquity]

The logical concept of using only natural foods & herbs to heal our natural body (combined with the understanding that not one system or organ of the body 'stands alone') goes back to Hippocrates...probably earlier. This last century, the works of Dr. Richard Schulze & Dr. John R. Christopher were 100% natural (as were many of their teachers) - Dr. Max Gerson (and William Donald Kelley) also used primarily natural methods (but they both used various isolated substances, too). So what I've done is combined the most 'natural of the natural', and we all do our best to 'upgrade & enhance' to make up for a far more toxic planet than any of these great healers dealt with while in practice.


for bchix - was: Liver cancer and the incurables program [Unyquity]


There IS more than 'one protocol' for beating cancer, but the only one I know of that addresses the true cause of the cancer is the IP.

thoughts, thinks, suggestions...and MEAT (vegan diet) :) [Unyquity]

Missing Protein Files


Prostate Cancer + Cayenne
Yep, here ya go! :) Re: Uny, can you comment on this? [Unyquity]


Re: garlic poultices [Unyquity]

Tape the SIMPLE Garlic Poultice over a Boil, Mole, Wart, or even a TINY CANCER Spot.



lightoftheworld - WELCOME!! [Unyquity]

Along those lines, here's some information about Echinacea that you likely don't already have (and that we know Dr. Christopher/Schulze didn't have, because these studies and this research hadn't been done when they were 'in practice'. Drumroll please :::grin::: Echinacea is VERY effective against cancer!!

Re: Lung damage from radiation, question for Uny [Unyquity]

+ prevent/restore radiation damage? ECHINACEA!!! Re: Japan events... [Unyquity]

Irradiated Food! Eating it? Here's the damage report! [Unyquity]


Oh goody *!*ECHINACEA*!* HUGE learning opportunity here! Re: Question to people who take Echinacea [Unyquity]

Here's evidence proven conclusively that it can be taken daily all your life, and that's it's our body's first line of defense against cancer (and that it will increase your life span):

Echinacea: a Miracle Herb against Aging and Cancer? Evidence In vivo in Mice

Re: Echinacea Dosage (and Echinacea MYTHS!) Re: IF #1 experience [Unyquity]

Typically, I agree with Hobbs...Re: A nice article on categories of immune building herbs... [Unyquity]


Re: Poke newby.....its everywhere right now [Unyquity]

Benefits (Poke herb, root, berries) - LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, arthritis, cancer, tumors, strong anti-viral, glandular imbalances & swellings of all kinds.

Throughout the SYL manual Schulze has MANY referenced to Poke root for cancer (particularly in poultices, for topical cancers and for those below the skin).

Activated Charcoal poultice - removes jaundice/testimony/experience [Unyquity]


Re: Olive leaf tincture +edit


Want to double your risk of leukemia & lymphoma? [Unyquity]

How bad is it? It's BAD!!! [Unyquity]

Microwaved Food...YIKES FOLKS (must read) [Unyquity]


Jumping & applauding in agreement with this... Re: For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa [Unyquity]

What I teach is based on the clinical experience of healers that have consistently cured every insidious incurable disease known to mankind...cancer, MD, MS, ALS, epilepsy, 3rd/4th degree burns, Parkinson's, etc. Dr. Christopher was able to regrow a vertebrae that had been eaten/dissolved by bone cancer, and grow out a leg/foot on a woman that had a 'withered foot' & leg from polio. Dr. Schulze had congentital heart/valve deformities and was told in his teens he'd never live past 18 years of age unless he had open heart surgery - but he reversed those deformities (not to mention two other major 'miracles'). Dr. Gerson's cancer cure rate was phenomenol. And there are many of the teachers and peers I have learned from, as well.

Bottom line truth? All these people were SERIOUSLY compromised, far beyond the typical CZ poster - if these healers could heal the 'worst of the worst', then we can use their basic fundamentals to heal ANYTHING.

What I've done is compare the protocols & methodologies of them all, throw out the 'loose ends' and come up with a 'basic protocol'.


Re: Unyquity, what do you think of FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) Sauna, related to adrenal fatigue? [Unyquity]

Two of my favorite, most-inspiring stories are Dr. Christophers - one lady with bone cancer, mets to the spine, bedridden with 2 vertebra completely 'dissolved' by the cancer. He did his full Incurables Program with her, knocked out the cancer and reGREW the vertebrae. It first came in as cartilage, and then converted to bone (he had x-ray records of it all). The other was a woman in her mid 20's that had contracted polio in grade school. She had what they called a 'withered foot' and that leg was shorter. Full program, and within (I think it was) less than year, the leg had grown and the foot restored itself and grew 3 sizes to equal her other. Yes indeedy, our bodies DO have the schematics and they ARE hard-wired to know how to heal.


There is always "hope"...+edit Re: Unyquity - is there any hope for my mum?[Unyquity]


The Incurables Program (IP) and TESTIMONIALS -- LINKS PAGE


How Milk and Dairy Products Will Destroy Your Health [Unyquity]

How Milk and Dairy Products Will Destroy Your Health and Cause Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergies, Osteoporosis, and Infection


Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads

LINKS to the [FAQ] Working File Threads... and SOME related information. New Links Added 3/23/11

LINKS TO: Sources -- Products -- Related Information

LINKS: Drugs -- Supplements - Isolated Substances - The FDA & AMA - Microwaves - Irradiated Foods & MORE


[FAQ] Dr. Schulze Information -- LINKS PAGE


[FAQ] Dr. John Christopher Information LINKS PAGE


[FAQ] Dr. Max Gerson Information: Working File Thread


One Answer to Cancer, Dr. Kelley:

Dr. Kelley's web site:



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