iodine, sski and face rash
a face rash has been attacking me for years
when i take high doses of
Iodine and
my face begins itching and making pimples
i start to feel hysterical and i cry a lot
everything i say sounds stupid to me and everybody else
perhaps everything i say is stupid anyway
but i only notice this when i am high dosing
so i lower the
Iodine and stop with the
SSKI even though
i think i am supposed to persist until the face rash
is gone (and then never eat another piece of bread
not even jewish rye)
the weird thing about the face rash is...
it starts on my right cheek
i put some sulphur cream on the itchy bumps on my right cheek
they immediately go away and the other cheek gets bumps that itch
so i put some sulphur cream on the other cheek, and the bumps move to my jaw bone
i put sulphur cream under my jaw bone and the bumps move under my ear
i put sulphur cream under my ear and the bumps move to my neck
i hate these itchy bumps and they look ugly
so far they only make white heads around my nose and mouth
on my neck they are like mosquito bites
does anybody have stories to tell about a face rash and how they got rid of it without accidentally committing suicide in a fit of road rage?
this time i have been battling the face bumps ever since i upped my dose to protect me from fall out blowing in from the Japanese melt down
sulphur cream stops the itching
is there any reason why i shouldn't be using it?
i am also putting 2%
Iodine on my face after i wash the sulphur cream off
gives my skin a nice glow