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Re: Circumcision and human rights. No, he's not your property. Yes he's human.
leavethemalone Views: 3,763
Published: 14 y
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Re: Circumcision and human rights. No, he's not your property. Yes he's human.

ginab4u, the arguements against circumcision are obvious. It has been shown that there are no significant medical benefits. It robs a male of much of his ability to enjoy sex. It is torture. Sane people can see this. The problem is the people who want to do it are not interested in these facts they just want to keep Routine Infant Circumcision going in the USA. So we get these Trolls who roam the forums trying to disrupt the discussion on the topic. They try to anger you and at the same time give out bogus information. I think it is best to avoid discussion with them. They are just Trolls.


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