Listening to you debate is like listening to a bunch of junior high kids hurling insults at each other. Do you even have a clue how your words sound when read? You sound like freaking idiots. The people against circumcision on this forum have well thought arguments and have medical research to back them up and sometimes they illustrate their point by saying why not cut off one testicle. You guys are just m*o*o*ns. 'My uncle had fore skin problems his whole life' 'What about the majority that benefited from circumcision?' Who the hell is your Uncle and why doesn't he and others like him come forth? You guys hate fore skin, ok. You know why no one gives a shit what you think? #1 You sound like idiots. #2 You never had a fore skin you knew of if you were circed at birth so why would anyone listen to your opinion of something you never knew you had? I have a question for you. Why do you attack the position of men, there are a lot of them, who have given interviews and sat before the camera and said look 'Circumcision ruined my enjoyment of sex. It was the worst mistake of my life.' If these guys knew better they never would have done it. If you want to push circumcision and do it to more men you are sick sons of bitches. I hope they make it a felony so when you do it to a child before he can decide for himself you will end up in prison.