14 y
Oops! Double post. Sorry.
In the past two years or so - having absolutely no clue and no known symptoms for any of these things, just going on health food store employees heresay,
Hulda Clark , CZ etc. - I expelled tons of parasites, over 2000
liver stones and lately - since I found out I am gluten sensitive & went checking for candida - have been expelling white "tissue paper" & "string cheese" candida. (Yes,I have changed my diet. For ex. I was already only occasionally having gluten containing foods & processes sugars, but now have given them up for life.)
Big sigh. Can you think of anything ELSE to check for? I hope the candida cleanse (along with maintainence on the other issues) is "it", my last big hurdle. But, if not...'nuther big sigh...I'd like to hear anything else I should be on the lookout for.
I don't want anything gumming up the works in my body anymore - of course.