Questions on making charcoal poultice.
I finally got some things I can use to make the poultice for my liver.
I'm gonna be improvising somewhat from the directions in that healingtools link, because I don't have immediate access to flaxseeds. Can't send someone to look around town today for them either because there was a large hay fire last night and ash and smoke is all over the city polluting the air right now. I'm allergic and get asthmatic with hay.
I have an IF#2 equivalent that has flax, etc. in it. I could use this as a base probably, but what ratio to the charcoal should I use this formula? Maybe just as long as it gets pasty? From what I understand the flax seeds are primarily to retain moisture.
Anyways, I have paper towels that I'm going to use. If I read correctly, you cover the charcoal paste on BOTH sides with a material/paper towel? None of the charcoal is directly touching the skin?
If so, I'm thinking of moistening the paper towel side that is going to be touching my skin.