Tokyo water unsafe for infants...
They are recommending bottled water for the people.
0.1 millirem found in Arizona
Likely not much to worry about if you are I sufficient... and have a rich enough diet in minerals to act as both a buffer and chelator.
Media equates these radiation levels to what one may receive *naturally* in a year to minimize the reality of any *threat* to your health, however, keep in mind that much of the radiation that we receive in any given year, is man made from man made sources\devices and not natural background radiation.
Their hyperbole is social conditioning that trains you to accept, and defend the polluters... do not let it take.
If you look back in history, you will see where *acceptable* levels of pollutants and toxins in your environment, including radiation, have been revised up over the decades, much like acceptable blood pressure, and cholesterol levels have been revised down - it is all about the money - not your health.
To reiterate, these *additions* to the background radiation levels we are exposed to every year, are man made forms, not natural forms... length of exposure, to what form, at higher rates than what should be normal, changes things.
Eat nutrient dense and stay well as best you can.