Potassium deficiency definitely seemed to be the problem with my 16 yr old daughter's warts. At first she just had a few on her legs, but over the course of a few weeks, many more popped up. After trying the Wart Away and dermatologist/freezing routes, we started at home treatments with apple cider vinegar. It worked, but it was hard to gauge how much was enough and how long to leave on. She ended up getting burns & scars from some of the apple cider applications. I had read somewhere that applying banana peels or rubbing potatoes on warts would help get rid of them. I made the connection between bananas and potatoes - potassium! So I decided to have my daughter take a potassium supplement. Within a week and a half, the warts diminished in size and then disappeared. If you try the potassium supplement route, make sure to discontinue taking the supplement once the warts have disappered as it is possible to take get too much potassium, which can then cause adverse effects on your body.